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Proposed Towers will turn Tampa into Skyscraper City

Sean Ready

With over 2000 homes sold and 500+ five star online reviews, Sean and his team are on a mission to create raving fans out of each client by delivering...

With over 2000 homes sold and 500+ five star online reviews, Sean and his team are on a mission to create raving fans out of each client by delivering...

May 10 2 minutes read

south tampa small

Tampa is supposed to be getting some new buildings, and not just any buildings. The proposed 75-foot skyscrapers will grace Port Tampa within the next 15 years, if the 1.5 billion dollar project is completed on time. The towers will liken Tampa to such renowned cities as Hong Kong and Dubai, at least in terms of height.

It's safe to say the face of Channelside is going to irrevocably changed after the two towers are built.

"It sounds terrific, but when I hear about more and more people developing there in the (Channelside) area it makes me a little nervous,'' Tampa Realtor Andrew Duncan said Monday. "Are there going to be too many (units) for the amount of consumers who want to live downtown? You're going to have to have amazing amenities and sell to people outside of Tampa Bay — wealthy Europeans, people in South Florida — and I don't know if there is enough money to support a super luxury property, let alone 75 floors worth.''

There will be 450 units per tower, and each unit will average around 1,450 square feet. You don't have to do the math to realize what that means: these things truly are going to be massive. Tampa isn't new to skyscrapers, but there are still relatively few of them. That means the views from these units would be almost entirely unobstructed, and as a result, pretty spectacular.

To read more about it, check out this incredible article from the Tampa Bay Times:


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